PT Citra Multi Services
Kami, PT Citra Multi Services (CMS) peracaya bahwa IT solutions bukanlah sekedar perangkat, kabel, dan software, tetapi lebih kepada bagaimana membuat semuanya berjalan dalam sebuah kesatuan sistem yang meningkatkan produktifitas dan efisiensi bisnis Anda. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 2004, kami telah memfokuskan diri sebagai perusahaan teknologi informasi dengan layanan IT terpadu, mulai dari infastruktur, jaringan, security, integrasi sistem, hingga pengembangan aplikasi, untuk menjadikan bisnis anda lebih cepat, lebih mudah, dan lebih produktif. Saat ini kami sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai :
1.Business Development / Accounting Excecutive :
-Bertanggung jawab terhadap Target penjualan yang sudah ditentukan ( IT Project )
-Diharapkan memiliki pengalaman minimum 1 sd 2 tahun
Kualifikasi :
-Pendidikan S1
-Usia maximal 30 tahun
-Mampu berbahasa Inggris ( Lisan & tertulis )
-Fresh Graduated di pertimbangkan
2.Programmer : Java Developer
Requirement :
-Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems and/or equivalent work experience required
-Able to manage multiple priorities and deliverables, both short and long-term, in a busy and aggressive environment required
-Must be self-motivated, possess strong communication skills and be able to work in a team oriented environment required
-Can work under pressure
-Able to work in a Team or Individual
-2-3 years experience in their field
-Know and understand the language of the Java 2EE
-Experience with Java Framework : Spring / Vaadin / Hibernate
-Experience with javascriptframework : jQuery / Dojo / ExtJs / Bootstrap / AngularJS.
-Experience with Web Server Apache, Tomcat and other Java application server .
3.Mobile Developer
Requirement :
-Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems and/or equivalent work experience required
-Able to manage multiple priorities and deliverables, both short and long-term, in a busy and aggressive environment required
-Must be self-motivated, possess strong communication skills and be able to work in a team oriented environment required
-Can work under pressure
-Able to work in a Team or Individual
-Minimum 2 years of experience with iPhone and/or Android development platforms required
-Experience developing native Android Apps: Java, Android SDK and Android Studio
-Experience developing native iOS Apps: Objective-C, iOS SDK, and XCODE
Note :
Kirimkan surat lamaran dilengkapi CV, Fotokopi Ijasah terakhir ,KTP, foto & Foto Copy sertifikat lain2 ke :
Subject UBL-Posisi xxxxx (yg dibutuhkan )