Campus Hiring : PT. Valbury Asia Futures
Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan PT Valbury Asia Futures menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :
Hari, tanggal : Kamis, 24 April 2014
Jam : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat : Ruang Sidang FTI Unit 2 Lantai 3 – Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum
Agenda : Psikotest, Interview
Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email :
Catatan :
– Wajib registrasi via email dengan mengirimkan sofcopy CV
– Beri subject email adalah kode lowongan lamar
Contoh : Melamar posisi : Financial Consultant maka subject emailnya : Valbury – Financial Consultant
– Paling lambat sebelum hari Rabu, 23 April 2014 Jam 13.00 WIB
– Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
•Curiculum Vitae
•Photo Copy KTP
•Pas Photo berwarna ukuran 4×6 (terbaru)
•Ijasah (Bagi calon Wisudawan April 2014, dapat menggunakan surat keterangan lulus dari BAAK)
•Transkrip Nilai
•Dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)
PT. Valbury Asia Futures looking for suitable candidates to fill the following position:
1.Financial Consultant (Kode : Valbury – Financial Consultant )
Financial Consultant builds and maintains client bases and develops new clients on an ongoing basis. They analyze sales data and market situation, monitors and evaluates strategy implementation, conducts any strategy adjustment necessary according to market analysis. They also work closely with the marketing team to set up initiatives covering business opportunities development.
•Bachelor Degree (fresh graduates are welcome)
•Good communication and Interpersonal skills
•Able to work together in team and independently
•Posses excellent command English (Verbal & Written) and Mandarin is a plus
•Self motivated with a strong drive to excel
•Presentable and engaging personality
2.Division Manager (Kode : Valbury – Division Manager )
Division Manager provides financial analysis, advice and planning including risk management and investment to meet client’s needs. Establish and manage a team.
•Graduates from local or overseas University
•Experience in financial industry will be highly regarded
•Business minded coupled with the right attitude to excel
•Highly motivated and capable for guiding and supervising the team members
•Proficiency in English
Benefits :
•3 months fast track promotion
•Competitive allowance and attractive commission scheme and bonuses
•Intensive training course, including: Business and communication skills
•Basic knowledge regarding financial markets and investment
•Product knowledge Management skills and more