PT. Expertindo Muliasistema is oriented in the application of information technology to the people that covers the field of software, hardware and training. We invite qualified and committed professional who
Bulan: April 2014
Bank Mandiri : Pegawai Program Kriya Mandiri – TellerBank Mandiri : Pegawai Program Kriya Mandiri – Teller
Bank Mandiri : Pegawai Program Kriya Mandiri – Teller Responsibilities Bank Mandiri memberikan kesempatan kepada lulusan Perguruan Tinggi mengikuti program belajar bekerja terpadu (magang) di Bank Mandiri melalui program Kriya
Bima Palma GroupBima Palma Group
Bima Palma Group 1.IT QUALITY CONTROL (Penempatan di Head Office – Jakarta Selatan) Urgent Kami adalah sebuah groupPerusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit yang sedang berkembang pesat dengan kantor pusat di Jakarta.
Vista International Corporation (PT. VIC)Vista International Corporation (PT. VIC)
1. STUDENT / SALES CONSULTANT – Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya & Bali Responsibilities : •Be a part of the team to achieve the students’ recruitment target. •Give a comprehensive assistance and
PT.Generasi Inspirasi InformatikaPT.Generasi Inspirasi Informatika
1.ASP .NET Web Developer REQUIRED SKILL •Bachelor Degree in Computer Science / Information Technologies. •1+ years in ASP.NET web development using C# and Visual Studio. •Previous Experience in using .NET
PT. Digikidz IndonesiaPT. Digikidz Indonesia
PT. Digikidz Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang multimedia computer learning center mengajarkan computer, robotic, iPad dan multimedia berbasis kreativitas kepada anak-anak dan remaja usia 3 – 15 tahun saat ini