Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk  , menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :

Hari, tanggal : Senin, 30 September 2019
Jam : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat : Ruang Sidang FTI,Unit 2 Lantai 3, Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum, Gratis
Agenda : Presentasi dari perusahaan, Psikotest/Interview

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Catatan :
-Paling lambat sebelum hari Jumat, 27 September 2019 jam 12.00 WIB
-Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
*Curiculum Vitae
*Pas Foto terbaru
*Photo Copy KTP
*Photo Copy ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus dari BAAK
*Photo Copy transkip Nilai
*Photo Copy dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)

PT CIMB Niaga adalah bank terbesar kelima dari segi aset, dana masyarakat, kredit dan jumlah jaringan
cabang. CIMB Niaga memiliki salah satu misi, yaitu untuk membantu individu dalam mencapai potensi
maksimal yang dimiliki. Hal tersebut yang menjadi alasan kami menawarkan jenjang karir yang menarik
dan fleksibel bagi para fresh graduates supaya dapat memiliki pengalaman yang luas, khususnya di dunia
perbankan. Selain itu, kami juga berharap dengan adanya semangat kerja dari individu muda dapat
memberikan pemikiran dan perspektif yang baru bagi kemajuan perusahaan kami.

Posisi :
1.Small Medium Enterprise Development Program (SMEDP)
-To Groom Young–Enthusiastic candidate to be ready as qualified Small Medium Enterprise
(SME) Relationship Manager that have responsibility to improve business productivity in the
long run
-Bachelor degree with GPA minimum 3.00
-Maximum 27 years old
-Willing to be placed at all CIMB Niaga offices
-Preferable fresh Graduate or maximum 1 year working experience.
-Demonstrate the following qualities: agile, persistence, self-driven, highly motivated, energetic, good interpersonal skill, has interest to pursue career in Sales, good analytical thinking and strategic thinking.

2.Relationship Manager Development Program (RMDP)
-To Groom Young – Enthusiastic candidate to be ready as qualified Relationship Manager
(Funding / Mortgage) that have responsibility to improve business productivity in the long run
-Bachelor degree with GPA minimum 3.00
-Maximum 26 years old
-Willing to be placed at all CIMB Niaga offices
-Preferable fresh Graduate or maximum 1 year working experience.
-Demonstrate the following qualities: agile, persistence, self-driven, highly motivated, energetic, good interpersonal skill, has interest to pursue career in Sales, good analytical thinking and strategic thinking.

3.IT Development Program (ITDP)
-Is a program which are designed to develop young-enthusiastic candidates to start their career
as IT Developer who will contribute to CIMB Niaga with the necessary skill, knowledge and good
Expected roles :
-Deliver IT Excellence
-Be an Agent of Change of IT
-Provide The Best Solutions to answer Business Unit needs in terms of IT Solutions
-Strengthen system infrastructure to support continuous process improvement in IT
Requirements :
-Bachelor degree preferable in Systems / Technical Informatics with GPA min. ≥ 3.0
-Age max. 27 years old
-Previous working experience on IT Unit preferable max. 1 year
-Fluent in speaking and writing in English with IELTS score 6.0 or TOEFL score 500 (within 6 months)
-Ability to work under pressures
-Demonstrate the following qualities : integrity, high motivation, self-confidence, driven / energetic, good communication / interpersonal skills, professionalism

4.Operations Development Program (ODP)
Is a program which are designed to develop young-enthusiastic candidates to start their career
as Operations Officers who will contribute to CIMB Niaga with the necessary skill, knowledge
and good attitude.
Expected roles :
-Deliver Operations Excellence
-Be an Agent of Change of Operations
-Provide The Best Solutions to answer Business Unit needs in terms of Operational Transactions
-Strengthen system infrastructure to support continuous process improvement in Operations
Requirements :
-Bachelor degree any major with GPA min. ≥ 3.0
-Age max. 27 years old
-Previous working experience on Operations Unit preferable max. 1 year
-Active English (oral and written)
-Ability to work under pressures
-Demonstrate the following qualities : integrity, high motivation, self-confidence, driven / energetic, good communication / interpersonal skills, professionalism

5.Teller Development Program
Jobdesc :
-Melakukan pelayanan terhadap nasabah untuk transaksi tunai maupun non tunai sesuai standard service quality di CIMB Niaga
-Meyakinkan kelancaran dan keamanan arus transaksi tunai maupun non tunai sesuai dengan ketentuan dan prosedur yg berlaku serta memperhatikan prinsip kehati-hatian dan aspek
kewajaran transaksinya.
-Memberikan support dan penjelasan tekhnis produk funding dan proses transaksi keuangan kepada nasabah
-Pendidikan Minimum D3 dengan IPK 3.00
-usia maksimum 26 tahun
-Terbuka untuk Fresh graduate atau yang sudah berpengalaman
-Memiliki kepribadian yang baik, berpenampilan menarik, dan memiliki senyum yang alami
-Memiliki jiwa melayani, Ramah, dan Hangat,
-Jujur, memiliki motivasi kerja yang tinggi, pekerja keras, teliti,memiliki kemampuan administrasi, dan disiplin
-Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (baik lisan maupun tulisan)
-Cerdas Digital


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