PT. Era Daya Potensia merupakan Recruitment Agency tapi bukan outsourcing. Kami adalah para  ahli  rekrutmen  yang  berpengalaman  lebih  dari  15  tahun.  Dari  kantor  kami  di  Bandung dan  Jakarta,  kami  membantu  perusahaan  lokal  dan  multinasional  untuk  merekrut  bakat eksekutif yang berkinerja terbaik. Untuk kontrak kerja langsung dengan perusahaan dan kami tidak memungut biaya apapun atas proses perekrutan kepada pihak calon pelamar. Materi Lowongan Pekerjaan yang di Pasarkan

1. Mobile Hybrid (Cordova) Programmer (West Jakarta)
Responsibilities :
-Develop new mobile application (front end and backend)
-Apply Design and Layout
Requirements :
-Experience with hybrid framework :
-react native (is an advantage)
-Experience using Java / Swift / Objective C
-Experience with implementing standard backend API
-Experience using git or any version control system
-Diploma Degre in IT Program
-Max 35 years old
Range Salary : Rp. 10.000.000 – Rp. 20.000.000

2.  Java Programmer (West Jakarta)
Responsibilities :
-Develop new mobile application (front end and backend)
-Apply Design and Layout
Programming Knowledge :
-Java EE
-Spring Framework
-Spring Data JPA
-Web Service – Restful
-Quartz Scheduler
-TDD – Test Driven Development (nice to have)
Databases Knowledge :
-Oracle (mandatory)
-SQL Server (optional)
-Integration (nice to have):
-Jboss Fuse
-Have an experience in Insurance or other financial system min 3 years
-Diploma / degree in IT / SI
-Max 35 years old
Range Salary : Rp. 8.000.000 – Rp. 12.000.000

3.Sales Marketing/Sales Engineer (West Jakarta)
-Female, Max. 35 years old
-Minimum Diploma Degree in any major (undergraduate Bachelor of Engineering is an advantage)
-Must have driving license “A” and will be facilitated a car
-Has an experience as a sales to manufacture company (is an advantage)
-Have a strong promoting and selling skills
-Hard worker, could working for targeting program
-Speak English (pasif)
Range Salary : Rp. 4.000.000 – Rp. 15.000.000 (not incude commission)

Sent Curriculum Vitae, Recent Photo, and any documents that required to
contact us on 0877-8917-1570