adalah perusahaan yang  bergerak di bidang IT Consultant, berdiri sejak tahun 1995 dan merupakan salah satu dari enam unit usaha dibawah naungan Cormic Technology Group of Companies, menyediakan End to End IT Solution untuk pelanggan korporat di Indonesia yang bekerja sama dengan Microsoft. Lebih dari 10 penghargaan yang kami terima dalam empat tahun terakhir ini seperti : 2011 Best AX Revenue Contributor, Partner of the year 2010 for Indonesia, President Club for the year 2010, 2010 Top Sales performer, Best Compete win ERP, The 1st Indonesian Microsoft Dynamics AX Certified Trainer – Technical, dan lain sebagainya. Berkantor pusat di Jakarta dengan Kantor Cabang di Surabaya. Layanan kami mencakup survey, asesmen, implementasi, komisioning, pemasangan, pemeliharaan, manajemen proyek turn key dan konsultasi. Selama bertahun-tahun WCS telah memposisikan dirinya sebagai Penyedia Solusi  untuk Enterprise and  Penyedia Jaringan di Indonesia, baik untuk Data maupun Voice dan telah mencapai keberhasilan dalam pelaksanaan untuk Perusahaan Multinasional, Telekomunikasi dan Lembaga Pemerintah. Saat ini kami sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai :

Requirement for Functional Finance  :
-Bachelor Degree from Accounting
-Minimum GPA 3,2 ( Scale 4.0)
-Fresh Graduate and Experience
-Have knowledge in ERP solution, specialy for Microsoft Dynamics AX Finance Module is preferable
Skills :
-Having good knowledgeaboute Finance, Tax, Accounting and consolidation company
-Good communcation in English both oral and written
-Having good knowledge in Microsoft Office
-Willing to be assigned anywhere

2.Functional Trade and Logistics
-Bachelor Degree from Industrial Technology, Electrical Enginnering, Accounting, Management, Computer Accounting, Information Technology.
-Minimum GPA  3,2 ( Scale 4.0)
-Fresh Graduate and Experience
-Have knowledge in ERP solution, specialy for Microsoft Dynamics AX Trade and Logistics Module is preferable
Skills :
-Having good knowledge about Logistics and Supply Chain
-Having knowledgeFinance and accounting is preferable
-Good communcation in English both oral and written
-Having good knowledge in Microsoft Office
-Willing to be assigned anywhere

3.Functional Production
-Bachelor Degree from Industrial Technology, Electrical Enginnering, Accounting, Management, Computer Accounting, Information Technology
-Minimum GPA  3,2 ( Scale 4.0)
-Fresh Graduate and Experience
-Have knowledge in ERP solution, specialy for Microsoft Dynamics AX Production Module is preferable
Skills :
-Having knowledge about Production Process, Stock and Costing
-Good communcation in English both oral and written
-Having good knowledge in Microsoft Office
-Willing to be assigned anywhere

Requirement :
-Bachelor’s Degree from  Information Technology, Industrial Technology, Sistem Information, Computer Accounting, Electrical Engineering
-Fresh Graduate and Experience
-Have experience in ERP solution, specialy for Microsoft Dynamics is preferable
-Having knowledge about requirements above programming tools such as : Java, .Net, C#, C++, X++ (morph)
-Having knowledge about Database management such as : SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL (store procedure, Tringer, ERD)

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