PT. Yamisok Tech Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Platform Games dan Social Media, saat ini sedang membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja.

Pada Posisi :

1.    UI/UX Web Dev

2.    Programer

3.    Mobile Apps

4.    Community Specialist/Manager

5.    Social Media Specialist

6.    Staff Project

7.    Public Relation

dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Mobile Apps


  1. Have Experience in developing with Android Development
  2. Have a Javascript Knowledge (Node.JS,Vue/Angular/React)
  3. Data Distribution (JSON, XML)
  4. To use JAVA Development tools
  5. Basic Material Design Knowledge
  6. Played Dota 2 & CSGO


UI/UX Web Dev


  1. Minimum 1 years experience in related position ( Fresh Graduate are welcome)
  2. Understand User Experience design from user research, wireframing, user journey
  3. Having a good sense of Mobile first UI Design
  4. Have a Good knowledge in HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Vue.JS
  5. Abke to work underpresure, tight deadline, and good managing multitasking jobs
  6. Able to work individualy and team projects
  7. Play Games like dota 2, CSGO
  8. Aplicant must be willing to work in Gading Serpong- Tangerang


  1. Translate UI design into HTML and CSS
  2. Develops, enchances, debugs, bug-fixes software ap[lications
  3. Report to management
  4. Coordinate with team




  1. Minimum 1 Years experience in related position
  2. Having experience in developing PHP with Laravel Framework
  3. Having A good Knowledge about game word Especially e-sport game
  4. Have a good experience using SCRUM Method
  5. Proficient in English
  6. Able to work underpresure, tight deadline, and good managing multitasking jobs.
  7. Able to work individualy and team projects
  8. Aplicant Must be willing to work in gading serpong


  1. Develop platform using Laravel PHP

Staff Project


  1. Bertanggung jawab untuk kelancaran proses platform Yamisok
  2. Mengerti secara detail mengenai Platform Yamisok
  3. Membantu PR/AO & CM untuk segala informasi mengenai Yamisok
  4. Membantu custumer support
  5. MEngawasi & Koordinasi dengan team Dev untuk segala bu/error serta Platform update


  1. Memiliki passion di E-sport/game ( Masih aktif bermain salah satu game E-sports)
  2. Pernah bekerja di industry game merupakan nilai tambah ( Publisher, EO, Pro-Gamer)
  3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 Tahun ( Fresh Graduate Silahkan Mendaftar)
  4. Lancar mengoprasikan Microsoft Office


Community Relations/Public Relation

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  1. Pendekatan dengan Komunitas/EO Esports dan Followup
  2. Mengetahui kondisi dan Analisa keunggulan/kelemahan partner
  3. Dapat mengidentifikasi kebutuhan partner dengan baik
  4. Bertanggung jawab atas Com Page ( Feature Yamisok-accept/Reject request)
  5. Edukasi direct ke partner
  6. Mempersiapkan segala bahan presentasi yang dibutuhkan untuk partner
  7. Lancar menggunakan MS. Office
  8. Wording Publikasi (Press Release)


  1. Wanita berpenampilan menarik
  2. Memiliki passion di e-sports/game ( Dapat bermain game)
  3. Pernah bekerja di industry game merupakan nilai tambah ( Publisher, Eo, Pro-Gamer)
  4. Memiliki pengalaman kerja 1 tahun (Fresh Graduated silahkan melamar)
  5. Lancar menggunakan MS. Office
  6. Minimal Pendidikan SI all Major







Community Specialist

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  1. Candidate must posses at least Bachelor Degree In any field
  2. Required language ; English Indonesia
  3. At least 1 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
  4. Required skill : Social Media, Public Relation
  5. Build & maintain communication with gamers as community
  6. Handling user various question & complain on Social media
  7. Organizing and operating Social media activitiy such as walpost plan, video, blog, guides in any platform
  8. Help Product specialist to handle website contents and game translations


  1. Gamers, Attractive, good looking & fun Personality
  2. Familiar with every social media platform
  3. Computer skill ( MS. Office)
  4. Good communication in both English & Indonesia
  5. Well Adept in working both indepently and in team
  6. Flexible working time
  7. Have experience in Social media & In game Industry ia a Plus


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