PT Lamudi Classifieds Indonesia
sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa situs jual beli properti dengan nama, website kami saat ini telah tersebar di 13 negara berkembang di Asia, Timur Tengah, Afrika dan Amerika Latin. Media kami telah berdiri tahun 2014 silam dan saat ini telah menjadi platform yang aman dan mudah bagi para pembeli, penjual, pemilik tanah, dan penyewa untuk menemukan dan mendaftarkan properti secara online.
(Permanent Employee)
-1+ years experience in a related field
-Innovative / Creative Thinking
-Excellent written communication skills
-Experience with Social Media tools such as Facebook for Business
-Well-organized and structured working style
-Team Player
Job description
As Designer at Lamudi, you will work on project basis on topics across departments. That could mean working on a pitch deck for Sales, or on a graphic for an article, or even on publishing our own magazine. This means that not only your projects will be very diverse, but also that your stakeholders – the people you support with your designs – are evenly diverse.
Your mission is to ensure that in all it s efforts, Lamudi presents itself visually efficiently and attractively to its users and clients
Your key responsibilities:
-Creation of marketing collaterals for use across mediums: Social Media, Blog, Events, Magazine
-Provide content creation assistance to other departments for collateral needs: Internal Communication, Sales Collaterals
-Client presentation design for pitches, and reports
-Frequent other projects related to functional
Deadline Submission: 10th December 2017
Sent your CV and Cover Letter to
For further information about any careers at Lamudi, please visit to