Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan PT. Solusi Media Ravel Teknologi menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :

Hari, tanggal : Senin, 30 Oktober 2017
Jam : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat : Ruang Sidang FTI,Unit 2 Lantai 3, Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum, Gratis
Agenda : Presenatsi dari perusahaan, Psikotest/Interview

Peminat diharuskan mengirim CV melalui email : recruitment@budiluhur.ac.id
*Wajib mencamtukan kode posisi yang dilamar

Catatan :
-Wajib registrasi via email dengan mengirimkan softcopy CV
Contoh :
Jika Anda lulusan dari Universitas Budi Luhur dan melamar untuk posisi Boothcamp Java Developer ( Kode:Blanja.com – Boothcamp Java Developer – ASAL_PERGURUAN_TINGGI_ANDA), maka subject emailnya adalah : Blanja.com – Boothcamp Java Developer – UNIVERSITAS BUDI LUHUR
– Paling lambat sebelum hari Selasa, 17 Oktober 2017 jam 12.00 WIB
– Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
*Curiculum Vitae
*Pas Foto terbaru
*Photo Copy KTP
*Photo Copy ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus dari BAAK
*Photo Copy transkip Nilai
*Photo Copy dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)

SMART COMPUTERINDO berdiri pada tahun 2013. Merupakan salah satu perusahaan dengan pertumbuhan tercepat dalam Solusi IT, karena kami selalu memberikan dedikasi dan pelayanan yang terbaik dengan disertai
dukungan dari tenaga-tenaga ahli yang memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya. Kami tidak akan pernah
berhenti mengadakan inovasi-inovasi untuk terus maju kedepan, karena bisnis kami adalah
teknologi, jasa, ide, skill, pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang terus berkembang.

Posisi :
Qualifications :
-Candidates must possess at least Bachelor Degree ( Computer Science / Information Technology, Engineering ( Computer / telecomunication ) or equivalent
-At least 2 years of working experience in PHP Web Based e-commerce development
-Understanding of open source projects like WooCommerce, Magento, Opencart, WordPress etc.
-Demonstrable knowledge of web technologies including HTML, SEO, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, MYSQL, JQuery, Bootstrap, Web service etc.
-Good knowledge of relation database, version control tools and of developong web services.
-Experience in common third-party APIs (Google, Facebook, Ebay etc)
-Passion for best design and coding practices.
-Expert with PHP Frameworks.
-Must have excellent problem solving skills, love technical challenge, and fast learner.
-Self motivated and able to multitask and under time line.
Job Descriptions:
-Write – clean-, well-designed code.
-Produce detailed spesifications.
-Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and database to ensure strong optimization and functionality.
-Contribute in all phases of the development lifecycle.
-Follow industry best practices
-Develop and deploy new features to facilitate related procedures and tools if necessary

Qualifications :
-Candidates must possess at least Bachelor Degree ( Computer Science / Information Technology, Engineering ( Computer / telecomunication ) or equivalent
-At least 2 years of working experience in web based development experience.
-Expert with ASP Net Visual Basic.Net programming languages.
-Expert with SQL Store Procedure, Jquery, Javascript, Ajax, web service.
-User Interface Design, Business Logic and Database Component Development.
-Must possess a thorough understanding of “Object Oriented” development techniques.
-Able to work with deadlines.
Job Descriptions :
-Building module for Agriculture ERP System
-Able to travel and work to the site.
-Confirms program operation by conducting tests, modifying, program sequence and codes.
-Confirm project requirements by reviewing program objective, input data.
-Building application from assigned Functional Design Document.
-Building application based on company application framework and tools
-Perform daily report on progress and issues to Director.

3.Web designer
Qualifications :
-Candidate must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design (DKV), Fine Art/Design/Creative Multimedia or equivalent.
-At least 2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
-Able To build high performance E-Commerce website, and to have the passion to understand the customer from the UI/UX point of view.
-Strong Conceptual Ideas, Super Creative, Highly Motivated, Attention to Detail is a MUST
-A must excellent skills in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator & Adobe InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver and Freehand will be advantages
-Your portfolio will be determine your success to take this position
-Willing to be placed in any areas around Indonesia
Job Description
-Build high performance E-Commerce website, and to have the passion to understand the customer from the UI/UX point of view
-Designing interface for web platform
-Designing newsletters and html-emails
-Turning wireframes into beautiful and functional interfaces

4.Database Engineer
-Candidates must possess at least Bachelor Degree ( Computer Science / Information Technology, Engineering ( Computer / telecomunication ) or equivalent.
-Experience with relational database including SQL queries, database definition and schema design
-Understanding of fundamental computing concepts including data structures and algorithms
-Familiar with non-relational data storage systems (NoSQL and distributed database management systems)
-Experience with one or more programming languages (Phython, Java, etc.)
-Willing to be placed in any areas around Indonesia
Job description
-Design,development and modify of databases to support website
-Ensures the integrity and security of institutional data.
-Troubleshoots data issues, validates results sets, recommends and implements process improvements.
-Write extract, transform and loads (ETL) to automate routine data collection and reporting processes using a variety of traditional as well as large scale distributed data systems.

Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email : recruitment@budiluhur.ac.id
*Wajib mencamtukan kode posisi yang dilamar