Saat ini PT. Indosterling Technomedia sedang membutuhkan karyawan magang Untuk INTERNSHIP untuk Software Engineering & Digital Products Development. Kesempatan ini terbuka bagi maksimal 5 (lima) mahasiswa di tahun ke-3 dan
Bulan: Maret 2017
PT. Gunung SawoPT. Gunung Sawo
PT Gunung Sawo was incorporated in 1990. The main sector of our business is Electronic Systems, with an emphasis on TV Cable Equipment including :Analog/Digital CATV/MATV Head-End,IPTV or LANTV,Digital TV
PT. Kurnia Ciptamoda Gemilang (Charles&Keith – Pedro)PT. Kurnia Ciptamoda Gemilang (Charles&Keith – Pedro)
Sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai berikut : 1.Management Trainee – Store Operation -Fresh graduate are welcome to apply and must possess at least Bachelor’s Degree in any field -Highly motivated,good
PT Aimia Proprietary Loyalty Indonesia (AIMIA)PT Aimia Proprietary Loyalty Indonesia (AIMIA)
1.Campaign Data Analyst (CDA) More about AIMIA and what we do Loyalty management is the process of identifying, understanding and influencing best customers in order to build sustained, reciprocal and
Campus Hiring PT Informasi Teknologi Indonesia ( Jatis Mobile )Campus Hiring PT Informasi Teknologi Indonesia ( Jatis Mobile )
Universitas Budi Luhur,bekerjasama dengan PT Informasi Teknologi Indonesia ( Jatis Mobile ) menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada : Hari, tanggal : Kamis, 16 Maret 2017 Jam : 09.00