Universitas Budi Luhur Campus Hiring Panin Bank

Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan Panin Bank menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :

Hari, tanggal : Rabu, 10 Februari 2016
Jam  : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat  : Ruang Sidang FTI Unit 2 Lantai 3 – Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum, Gratis
Agenda : Psikotest/Interview

Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email : recruitment@budiluhur.ac.id
*Dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar

Catatan :
– Wajib registrasi via email dengan mengirimkan softcopy CV
– Beri subject email sesuai dengan posisi yang akan dilamar
– Paling lambat sebelum hari Selasa, 9 Februari 2016 Jam 12.00 WIB
– Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
•Curiculum Vitae
•Pas Foto terbaru
•Photo Copy KTP
•Photo Copy ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus dari BAAK
•Photo Copy transkrip Nilai
•Photo Copy dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)

Panin Bank is one of the fastest growing bank in Indonesia and currently seeking for young, talented, dynamic, and ambitious people to join our team

1.) Customer Service/ Teller (Kode : PANIN : Customer Service/ Teller)
-Male/Female, Single, with max. age 25 years old
-Height min. 155 cm (female)/ 160 cm (male)
-Possess Bachelor degree (S1), from any major, with min. GPA 2.75 (scale 4.00)
-Attractive, communicative, honest & willing to work hard
-Customer service oriented
-Fluency in English and/or Mandarin will be an advantage
-Preferably domicile at West Jakarta/ Tangerang/ Central Jakarta/North Jakarta

2.) Personal Banker   (Kode : PANIN : Personal Banker )
-Male/Female with max. age 27 years old
-Having max. 1 years working experience as marketing
-Possess Bachelor degree (S1) from any major with min. GPA 2.75 (scale 4.00)
-Good looking & good communication
-Target oriented
-Fluent in English/Mandarin & computer literate is a plus
-Dynamic, energetic & highly motivated
-Will be placed in West Jakarta/ Tangerang/ Central Jakarta/ North Jakarta

3.)Panin Proffessional Program
Account Officer Program Commercial (Kode : PANIN : AOP Commercial)
Account Officer Program KPR (Kode : PANIN : OP KPR)
-Male/Female with max. age 25 years old
-Fresh graduate or those with max. 3 years working experience
-Possess at least Bachelor degree (S1) from any major with min. GPA 2.75 (scale 4.00)
-Good looking, good communication & good analytical capabilities
-Strong willingness to work with target in marketing area
-Fluent in English/Mandarin & computer literate is a plus
-Dynamic, energetic & highly motivated
-Ready  to be placed in any major branches all over Indonesia

Front liner Development Program (Kode : PANIN : FDP)
-Male/Female with max. age 25 years old
-Bachelor degree (S1) from reputable university with min. GPA 2.75
-Attractive, communicative, honest & willing to work hard
-Computer literate
-Customer service oriented
-Fluency in English and/or Mandarin will be an advantage
-Ready to be placed in any major branches in Jakarta, Tangerang or Bekasi.

4.)Back Office (Kode : PANIN : Back Office)
-Male/Female, max 30 years old
-Possess at least Bachelor’s degree from any major, with min GPA 2.75 (scale 4.00)
-Experienced in banking industry min 2 years

Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email : karir.budiluhur@gmail.com
*Dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar