Campus Hiring PT Pharos Indonesia
Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan PT Pharos Indonesia menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :
Hari, tanggal : Senin, 21 September 2015
Jam : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat : Ruang Sidang FTI Unit 2 Lantai 3 – Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum, Gratis
Agenda : Psikotest, Wawancara
Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email :
*Dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar
Catatan :
– Wajib registrasi via email dengan mengirimkan softcopy CV
– Beri subject email adalah kode lowongan yang dilamar
– Paling lambat sebelum hari Jumat, 18 September 2015 Jam 16.00 WIB
– Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
•Curiculum Vitae
•Photo Copy KTP
•Pas Photo berwarna ukuran 4×6 (terbaru)
•Ijasah (Bagi calon Wisudawan Oktober 2015, dapat menggunakan surat keterangan lulus dari BAAK)
•Transkrip Nilai
•Dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)
PT Pharos Indonesia, We are looking for dynamic, enthusiastic, and self motivated individuals to join us as :
Programmer (Kode : Pharos – Programmer )
Criteria :
-Male/female, Max 25 years old
-Bachelor degree from Information Technology
-Have IT Basic knowledge on software engineering in the latest technology in Mobile Application development, Computer Interaction (HCI) Sensors, Business Intelligence and Data Mining
-Fresh Graduate will be acceptable
BioTechnology Staff (Kode : Pharos – BioTechnology Staff )
Criteria :
-Male/Female, Max 25 years old
-Bachelor degree from faculty of engineering
-Have basic knowledge on chemical & biology science in the field of pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetics products
-Fresh Graduate will be acceptable
Engineering Staff (Kode : Pharos – Engineering Staff )
Criteria :
-Male/Female, Max 25 years old
-Bachelor degree from faculty of engineering & information technology
-Have basic knowledge on mechanical, electronics and computer science for automation applications
-Fresh Graduate will be acceptable
Graphic Designer (Kode : Pharos – Graphic Designer)
Criteria :
-Male / Female, Max 25 years old
-Bachelor degree from school of design
-Experienced with program design like coreldraw, adobe illustrator, adobe indesign, adobe Photoshop, adobe premiere and adobe after effect
-Fresh Graduate will be acceptable
Management Trainee (Kode : Pharos -Management Trainee )
Criteria :
-Male/Female, Max 25 years old
-Bachelor degree from faculty of engineering & information technology
-Interested and creative to finding the solution of problems in any business sectors
-Fresh Graduate will be acceptable.
Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email :
*Dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar