PT. Cinovasi Rekaprima (CINOVASI)

We are Hiring!

We are currently seeking IT Staffs for  :
Software Engineers

If you find yourself suitable with the criteria below, you are welcome to submit your application to

General Requirements

-Proficiency in English (both oral and written)
-Strong interpersonal, communication and analytical skill
-Having high commitment to meet project targets
-Able to work in a Team
-Having experience in web application programming (at least one significant project using ASP.NET technology) will be an advantage
-S1 degree from reputable Universities will be an advantage
-Good graphical design skill is an advantage
-Will be deployed at JAKARTA office.

Technical Requirements

-Having an excellent logic skill
-Good working knowledge in web scripting : HTML, CSS, Javascript
-Good working knowledge in SQL scripting (Oracle/MSSQL)
-Expertise in ASP.NET is a must
-Expertise in one or more (more is an advantage) programming languages listed below :
+Or other programming languages
-Familiar with UML for documenting software desgin
-Have a good passion in software/system development

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

We are Hiring!

We are currently seeking :

Web Developer

If you find yourself suitable with the criteria below, you are welcome to submit your application to

General Requirements

-Proficiency in English (both oral and written)
-Strong interpersonal, communication and analytical skill
-Having high commitment to meet project targets
-Able to work in a Team
-Having 3 years working experience in web application programming (at least one
significant project using ASP.NET technology)
-S1 from reputable Universities will be an advantage
-Good graphical design skill is an advantage
-Will be deployed at JAKARTA office.

Technical Requirements

-Having an excellent logic skill
-Good working knowledge in web scripting : HTML, CSS, Javascript
-Good working knowledge in SQL scripting (Oracle/MSSQL)
-Expertise in ASP.NET is a must
-Expertise in one or more (more is an advantage) programming languages listed below :
+Or other programming languages
-Familiar with UML for documenting software design
-Have a good passion in software/system development

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

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