Children Creative Learning Center Mengajarkan Komputer, Multimedia, Robotic, IPAD, ElektronikaModern, dan Art yang berbasis Kreativitas kepada anak-anak dan remaja usia 5-18 Tahun dalam Suasana “Fun Learning” HIRING NOW Part Time
Bulan: April 2015
Campus Hiring PT. Wahana Wirawan (Indomobil Nissan)Campus Hiring PT. Wahana Wirawan (Indomobil Nissan)
Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan PT. Wahana Wirawan (Indomobil Nissan) menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada : Hari, tanggal : Kamis-Jumat, 7-8 Mei 2015 Jam : 09.00 WIB –
PT.Signa HusadaPT.Signa Husada
PT.Signa Husada as a leading supplier of high quality pharmaceutical ingredients, that committed to serve and support our customer to provide the best medicine for local and global market. We
PT. DomikadoPT. Domikado
PT. Domikado is local application developer who previously known as developer for Online Trading Mobile Application on BlackBerry. DOMIKADO also web designer and developer based on Ruby-on-Rails framework. Domikado was
PT. Grama Bazita IndonesiaPT. Grama Bazita Indonesia
The GramaBazita group is in the business of engineering solutions for your business. We have been in operation since 1990. Our head office is situated in Jakarta. To augment our
MRA Printed MediaMRA Printed Media
MRA Printed Media We are currently seeking a talented and dedicated professional for : 1.Account Executives/Advertising Sales (Print & Online Magazines) -Male/Female, Min. 22 years old -Min. Bachelor’s Degree (fresh