Budi Luhur Career Center Latest Vacancies,Universitas,FEB,FIKOM,FISIP,FT,FTI Mister Aladin (MNC Aladin Indonesia)

Mister Aladin (MNC Aladin Indonesia)

Adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Online Travel Agent. Saat ini kami sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai :

1.Back End Developer
Requirements :
-Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent,
-At least 2 years of work experience in the field.
-Without a doubt, a strong knowledge in software engineering (i.e., Design Pattern, Object Oriented Design Principles, SOLID).
-Also important, a strong understanding of Data Structures, Algorithms and Computer Science fundamentals.
-You will need to be fluent in PHP and Go-Language and have experiences using PHP framework such as Laravel or Lumen and Go Framework such as Gin or Echo.
-Experience in implementing secure, resilient and high-performance public RESTful APIs.
-Strong technical knowledge of source code management revision control such as GIT.
-Ability to communicate with the rest of the team and of course, work well with them.
-Fresh Graduated are welcome

2.Front End Developer
Requirements :
-Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent,
-Able to demonstrable experiences/portfolios app with front-end frameworks (Vue.js/React/Angular).
-2+ years of experience with front-end frameworks (Vue.js/React/Angular).
-Full proficiency in JavaScript, CSS/SCSS, and HTML.
-Familiarity with PHP MVC frameworks (preferred Laravel).
-Familiarity with ECMAScript 6, Bootstrap and jQuery.
-Familiarity with environmental usage of webpack/node/npm/yarn.
-Ability to work with JSON APIs.
-Fresh Graduated are welcome

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