Liburan Semester Gasal 2018/2019 mau kemana?

Yuk ikuti Program Magang Universitas Budi Luhur

Universitas Budi Luhur melalui Budi Luhur Career Center pada liburan Semester Gasal 2018/2019 menyelenggarakan program magang bagi mahasiswa aktif Universitas Budi Luhur selama 1 (satu) bulan. Program ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pengalaman bekerja di suatu institusi/perusahaan. Kegiatan memberikan manfaat bagi mahasiswa berupa pengalaman pengelolaan kegiatan kerja, sistem dan pengelolaan perusahaan, softskills, perluasan jejaring, kepatuhan kepada peraturan kerja, sarana dan prasarana perusahaan.

Pendaftaran     : 3 – 13 Desember 2018 (Klik disini untuk mendaftar)
Seleksi*         : 17 – 21 Desember 2018
Pengumuman     : 7 Januari 2019
Magang         : 14 Januari 2019 – 16 Februari 2019
Laporan         : 18 – 22 Februari 2019
*) Detil jadwal proses seleksi akan diinformasikan melalui website/email/telepon/Whatsapp

Persyaratan :
1. Mahasiswa aktif Universitas Budi Luhur pada Semster Gasal 2018/2019
2. Melakukan pendaftaran dengan mengisi formulir online di bawah ini, dengan melengkapi (upload) dokumen sebagai berikut :
a). Daftar Nilai Terakhir dari BAAK (File wajib diberi nama dengan format NIM_NILAI_NAMALENGKAP, contoh : 18316010022_NILAI_BUDISANTOSO; File dalam bentuk PDF/Image dengan ukuran maksimal 1 MB)
b). Surat Keterangan Mahasiswa Aktif Semester Gasal 2018/2019 dari BAAK (File wajib diberi nama dengan format NIM_SURAT_NAMALENGKAP, contoh : 18316010022_SURAT_BUDISANTOSO; File dalam bentuk PDF/Image dengan ukuran maksimal 1 MB)

(Klik disini untuk mendaftar)

3. Bersedia magang selama 1 bulan
4. Bersedia mengikuti seleksi magang yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan
5. Bersedia mengikuti peraturan yang berlaku perusahaan tempat magang

Tempat & Posisi Magang (Silahkan pilih salah satu)
1.PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia – Magang Front End Development
2.PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia – Magang Mobile Developer
3.PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia – Magang Business Analyst

(Klik disini untuk mendaftar)


Deskripsi :

1. PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia – Magang Front End Development

Frisidea is a software house and idea lab company that creates software technology, and software product development. Our company consists of highly skilled developers specializing in agile development methodology, focusing on ecommerce, Fintech and business enterprise, utilizing modern programming languages as our platform. We are now working on exciting projects and would like to offer opportunities to a few new graduates to participate in creating incredible products or services for Indonesia.

Title : Magang Front End Development
Number of candidate required : 1-2
Location : Pluit – Jakarta Utara
Hours of work : 9 (including 1 hour of lunch)

Job Description:
-Developing, implementing and maintaining company’s website.
-Developing and implementing new systems and/or application of the website including its functionality and usability.
-Assisting in the maintaining, planning, developing and implementation of the company’s IT infrastructure

Job Requirement:
-Knowledge in HTML, CSS, Javascript.
-Understanding of cross-browser compatibility and testing.
-Knowledge of responsive design and implementation.
-Ability to build HTML/CSS from a mockup or wireframe.
-Basic knowledge of PHP.
-Understanding of version control using GIT.
-Preferred experience with Magento Framework.
-Discipline & commit oneself

2. PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia – Magang Mobile Developer

Frisidea is a software house and idea lab company that creates software technology, and software product development. Our company consists of highly skilled developers specializing in agile development methodology, focusing on ecommerce, Fintech and business enterprise, utilizing modern programming languages as our platform. We are now working on exciting projects and would like to offer opportunities to a few new graduates to participate in creating incredible products or services for Indonesia.

Title : Magang Mobile Developer
Number of candidate required : 1-2
Location : Pluit – Jakarta Utara
Hours of work : 9 (including 1 hour of lunch)

Job Description:
As an apprentice you will be involved in project and product development. You will be given the responsibility to:
-Become an assistant from experienced developers
-Attend training and workshop held by company

Job Requirement:
-Student / Vocational Students majoring in IT related
-Can programming language PHP and or JAVA
-Want to learn, not easily give up, practice diligently

3. PT. Frisidea Tech Indonesia – Magang Business Analyst

Frisidea is a software house and idea lab company that creates software technology, and software product development. Our company consists of highly skilled developers specializing in agile development methodology, focusing on ecommerce, Fintech and business enterprise, utilizing modern programming languages as our platform. We are now working on exciting projects and would like to offer opportunities to a few new graduates to participate in creating incredible products or services for Indonesia.

Title : Magang Business Analyst
Number of candidate required : 1-2
Location : Pluit – Jakarta Utara
Hours of work :9 (including 1 hour of lunch)

Job Description:
-Create website concept.
-Create the UIUX concept.
-Research the feature and design concept.
-Develop the new feature and design.
-Create web design.
-Create the Wireframe.
-Create the interface concept.
-Direct the interface design

Job Requirement:
-Understanding the UIUX concept.
-Able to create product design research and give the analysis of the research.
-Understanding about the disciples and the movement in art