PT. Asa Cipta Semesta (ACS Indo)
PT. Asa Cipta Semesta (ACS Indo)
With years of experiences in the domain, ACS Indo draws from the strength and expertise built up over more than 20 years across many materials, machines, processes , and special requirements. Strategic long-team partnerships with reliable manufactures who are best in their fields allow the ACS Indo team to focus on delivering each costumer’s unique requirements on time, on budget, with maximum ease and convenience. We have successfully delivered high quality packaging products and deployed packaging systems for International Airlines, Branded Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes, Modern Trade FMCG Manufacturers, Supermarkets, Shopping Malls, Retail Chains and many more. Whether you are looking to use plastics, metals, paper, glass, or a combination, trust ACS Indo to provide you with a one-stop comprehensive packaging products & solution.
1. Finance & Administration Executive
Tanggung Jawab :
-Mengelola keuangan & administrasi Perusahaan
-Membuat laporan bulanan & tahunan
– Bekerja sms dengan anggota tim lainnya
-Tanggung jawab terkait keuangan dan adminstrasi lainnya, bila sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan
Persyaratan :
-Lulusan Akuntasni minimal S1, berprestasi
-Jujur, teliti, bertanggung jawab, dan bermotivasi tinggi
-Cepat tanggap dalam mempelajari hal baru
-Mahir menggunakan komputer
-Kemampuan komunikasi dan kerja sama yang baik
-Berpengetahuan dalam bidang pijak (Optional)
-Mampu berbahasa Inggris (optional)
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