niversitas Budi Luhur,bekerjasama dengan PT. Nusantara Compnet Integrator menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :

Hari, tanggal : Kamis, 6 Oktober 2016
Jam : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat : Ruang Sidang FTI, Unit 2 Lantai 3, Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum, Gratis
Agenda : Presenatsi dari perusahaan, Psikotest/Interview

Peminat diharuskan mengirim CV melalui email :
*Wajib mencamtukan kode posisi yang dilamar

Catatan :
-Wajib registrasi via email dengan mengirimkan softcopy CV
Contoh :
Jika Anda lulusan dari Universitas Budi Luhur dan melamar untuk posisi Sales Trainee ( Kode: STMA – Sales Trainee – ASAL_PERGURUAN_TINGGI_ANDA), maka subject emailnya adalah : SDM – Sales Trainee – UNIVERSITAS BUDI LUHUR
– Paling lambat sebelum hari Selasa, 6 September 2016 jam 12.00 WIB
– Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
*Curiculum Vitae
*Pas Foto terbaru
*Photo Copy KTP
*Photo Copy ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus dari BAAK
*Photo Copy transkip Nilai
*Photo Copy dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)

PT. Nusantara Compnet Integrator We are one of the key players in IT System Integration with expertise in end-to-end technology solutions, from network infrastructure, servers, desktops/clients and peripherals, to enterprise software solutions and custom software development, engineered to leverage our customers to excellence. Having 16 years of experience in handling more than 6000 projects provide us with solid skill and knowledge in various industries. World class principals such as Cisco, HP, IBM, EMC2, VMware, Oracle, Alfresco, etc. trusted us as their business partner.Our SPECIAL values and dynamic working environment presents you with opportunities to learn and grow with us, in the following positions:

Posisi :
1.Presales Engineer (Kode : Compnet – Presales Engineer – ASAL_PERGURUAN_TINGGI_ANDA)
-Gathering information from customer to identify customers’ needs
-Analyzing, developing, and proposing technical solutions (technology and equipments) Making design, bill of material, scope of works, schedule and proposal
-Delivering presentation about technical solutions to customer
-If needed, doing demo or proof of concept
-Coordinating with external parties (vendors, principals, distributors) to obtain required information (price, demo equipment, technical specifications) to provide technical solutions
-Coordinating with other department to provide required information before the project begin
-S1 graduate from IT, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, or Computer Engineering, GPA ≥ 3
-Having good knowledge in various IT technologies (server, external storage, various operating system and application, networking, etc.) is an advantage
-Having knowledge in various IT products (HP, IBM, SUN, DELL, F5, EMC, NetApp, Cisco,VMWare, Microsoft, etc.) is an advantage
-Having IT certification is an advantage (CCNA/CCDA/CCNP/CCDP)
-Having good communication skill & good attitude
-Fast learner and have attention to detail
-Self-starter, dynamic, energetic, and highly motivated person
-Can work individually and in a team
-High integrity, committed, and responsible person
-Able to work under pressure

2.Network Engineer (Kode : Compnet – Network Engineer – ASAL_PERGURUAN_TINGGI_ANDA)
-Analyze customer needs
-Provide solutions and give recommendations to the customer according to their needs.
-Preventive and corrective maintenance
-Regularly visit the customer to check up their device
-Troubleshooting and solving customer’s problem
-Responsive services
-D3/S1 in Informatics Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering ,or related Engineering discipline
-Having knowledge in TCP/IP, internet and networking.
-Having CCNA or CCNP
-Having knowledge and familiar with Cisco Products is an advantage
-Having good communication skill & good attitude

3.Programmer (PHP) (Kode : Compnet – Programmer (PHP) – ASAL_PERGURUAN_TINGGI_ANDA)
-To design and programming company needs
-Conducting development and improvement of the company’s internal applications
-Analyze systems in the design of the existing system and the new system
-Min. bachelor degree (S1) in IT / Computer Science / Computer Engineering / Information Systems
-Fresh graduate or have 1 year work experience in the field
-Ability to perform the design, analysis and maintenance of database systems
-Ability to analyze and design complex system.
-Can use the Java programming language, PHP, HTML
-Have the ability in MySQL, SQL Server, Apache, WAMP, XAMMP
-Have good communication skills and able to work in teams
-Have enthusiasm

4.JAVA Developer (Kode : Compnet – JAVA Developer – ASAL_PERGURUAN_TINGGI_ANDA)
-Graduated from computer science/information technology/information system/information management or related fields
-Strong knowledge of Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript
-Good knowledge of relational database such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL
-Experienced with Spring, JPA, Hibernate, SOAP, REST, JSON, XML is an advantageFresh graduate is welcome to apply
-The ability to think logically; work well in a team or individually; to work under pressure and overtime
-Problem-solving skills;
-Attention to detail

5.Programmer ( & (Kode : Compnet – Programmer ( & – ASAL_PERGURUAN_TINGGI_ANDA)
-S1 IT/ Ilmu Komputer/ Teknik Komputer/ Sistem Informasi
-Fresh graduate atau memiliki 1 tahun pengalaman kerja di bidangnya
-Mampu melakukan analisa sistem database, analisa sistem dan melakukan design system yang kompleks
-Mahir menggunakan bahasa, & Javascript
-Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan bisa bekerja dalam tim
-Dapat bekerja secepatnya


Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email :
*Wajib mencamtukan kode posisi yang dilamar