Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan PT. Parastar Echorindo menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :
Hari, tanggal : Kamis, 20 Februari 2014
Jam : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat : Ruang Sidang FTI Unit 2 Lantai 3 – Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum
Agenda : Psikotest, Interview
Peminat diharuskan mengirimkan CV melalui email : karir.budiluhur@gmail.com
Catatan :
– Wajib registrasi via email dengan mengirimkan sofcopy CV
– Beri subject email adalah kode lowongan lamar
Contoh : Melamar posisi : IT Support maka subject emailnya : Parastar – IT Support ITS-E
– Paling lambat sebelum hari Rabu, 19 Februari 2014 Jam 13.00 WIB
– Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
•Curiculum Vitae
•Photo Copy KTP
•Pas Photo berwarna ukuran 4×6 (terbaru)
•Ijasah (Bagi calon Wisudawan April 2014, dapat menggunakan surat keterangan lulus dari BAAK)
•Transkrip Nilai
•Dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)
PARASTAR We are national telecommunications distribution company in Indonesia with a well-developed network, supported by strong channel distribution. Founded in 1994 we have grown to become an establishing company, unceasingly contributing to the telecommunications industry in Indonesia with becoming authorized dealer for NOKIA mobile phone and operator product TELKOMSEL.
Challenge you to join with us for the following position :
1.Programmer (Kode : Parastar – Programmer ITP-E)
2.IT Support (Kode : Parastar – IT Support ITS-E)
3.Audit (Kode : Parastar – Audit AOH-E)
4.Tax Staff (Kode : Parastar – Tax Staff TSH-E)
5.Exhibition Project to Project Coord (Kode : Parastar – Exhibition Project to EPC-E)
6.Civil Project Officer (Kode : Parastar – Civil Project Officer CPO-E)
7.Recruitment (Kode : Parastar – Recruitment REC-E)
8.Organization Development (Kode : Parastar – Organization Development ODF-E)
Requirement :
-Male, Age max. 28 years old (1-7)
-Female, Age max 28 years old (3, 4, 7, 8)
-Min.bachelor degree from System Information or Information Technology GPA min 2.75 (1)
-Min.associate degree from Information Technology 2.75 (2)
-Min.bachelor degree from Accounting GPA min 2.75 (3, 4)
-Min.bachelor degree from Civil Engineering GPA min 2.75 (6)
-Min.bachelor degree from Psychology GPA min 2.75 (7)
-Min.bachelor degree from any major (5, 8)
-Strong Knowledge in programming language: PHP, JAVA, or SQL (1,2)
-Having 1 year related experience or fresh graduate are welcome (1-8)
-Having min 2 years experiences in the same field, preferably from KAP (3)
-Familiar with Ms. Office, Visio, Auto cad 3D, BoQ, Cost RAB and Asset Management, Corel Draw (6)
-Having driving license A / C, and own motorcycle is must (2, 3, 5, 6)
-Willing to travel to our branches in all area in Indonesia (3)