PT Saba Indomedika is a national distributor of diagnostic products in Indonesia, has grown rapidly since 2005. We are fully committed to assisting the implementation of the digital hospital concept
PT. Andal Software SejahteraPT. Andal Software Sejahtera
1.Business Consultant Requirement -Minimum Bachelor degree in Communication Science, System Information, Accounting or relevant, GPA > 3.00 -Preferably female with age 23-26 years -Must have experience in the same field
Bank DBS IndonesiaBank DBS Indonesia
Bank DBS Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perbankan 1.Treasures Funding Officer Persyaratan: -Usia 21-28 -Lulusan atau sedang menempuh Diploma/Sarjana -Memiliki pengalaman di Sales dan Marketing adalah kelebihan -Kemampuan