Muamalat Associate Program (MAP) – Digital Banking

If you have a strong passion in tecnology, data science and want to be a part of Sharia Ecosystem, Let’s join with Us!
This program will give you a great opportunity to develop yourself as Digital Sharia Banker, an expertise that will stand out in the future

General Requirements:
1. Bachelor degree max. age 25 years or Master degree with max. age 27 years
2. Min. GPA 3.00 for bachelor’s degree and min. GPA 3.00 for Master degree within 4.00 scale
3. Preferably from Information Technology, Information System, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Multimedia Engineering, DKV, Math, Statistics, Digital Marketing, and Management Information
4. TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC score minimum 500/6/550
5. High Integrity, positive attitude, open minded, strong personality and leadership quality, excellent communication & analytical skill

If you think you have what it takes to be the Digital Bankers of Bank Muamalat, send your CV to or visit our career site at, at the latest by 9 April 2021.

Hafidz Qur’an will be highly appreciated