Budi Luhur Career Center Latest Vacancies,Universitas,Campus Hiring,FTI Campus Hiring PT. Nieve Aplikasi Mandiri

Campus Hiring PT. Nieve Aplikasi Mandiri

Universitas Budi Luhur, bekerjasama dengan PT. Nieve Aplikasi Mandiri  menyelenggarakan campus hiring (recruitment on campus) pada :

Hari, tanggal : Senin, 16 September 2019
Jam : 09.00 WIB – Selesai
Tempat : Ruang Sidang FTI,Unit 2 Lantai 3, Universitas Budi Luhur
Jln. Ciledug Raya – Petukangan Utara – Jakarta Selatan
Sifat : Terbuka Untuk Umum, Gratis
Agenda : Presenatsi dari perusahaan, Psikotest/Interview

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Catatan :
– Paling lambat sebelum hari Jum’at,13 September 2019 jam 12.00 WIB
– Wajib datang langsung di Universitas Budi Luhur dan saat hari H pelaksanaan campus hiring, harap membawa :
*Curiculum Vitae
*Pas Foto terbaru
*Photo Copy KTP
*Photo Copy ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus dari BAAK
*Photo Copy transkip Nilai
*Photo Copy dokumen pendukung lainnya (yang bersifat resmi)

PT. Nieve Aplikasi Mandiri didirikan pada tanggal 03 September 2014, merupakan perusahaan IT Solution, bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi yang inovatif dan komprehensif kepada klien terutama di dalam bidang IT (Software/hardware). PT. Nieve Aplikasi Mandiri memiliki banyak klien terutama yang bergerak di bidang Airlines & Travel Industry.

Posisi :
1.IT Developer
Basic Qualification :
-Minimum hold a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or IT.
-Minimum 2 years experience.
-Maximum age 30 years old.
-Having knowledge of Java / C/C++ / PHP.
-Having Knowledge of Oracle database/SQL Server/Postgresql/Mysql.
-Having Knowledge of HTML (AJAX, JSON, XML) andJavascript/jQuery/Bootstrap.
-Familiar with Dreamweaver,eclipse /NetBeans.
-Familiar with CSS, Javascript, and web design.
-Have a good knowlegde in PHP framework such as Codelgniter or Zend.
-Experience with Android Studio and material Design.
-Be able to work as an individual and as part of a team.
-Be able to work to tight deadlines.
-Good analytical and problem solving skills.
-Ability to work extra hours as needed.
-Ability to be self-motivated and a self-learner.
Programmer Skill :
-General Programming Skills, Analyzing Information , Problem Solving.
-Software Algorithm Design, Software Performance Tuning, Attention to Detail, Software
Design, Software Debugging, Software Development Fundamentals, Software
Documentation, Software Testing.
-Like and love very much in coding and having experience build automation testing.
-Typically work in small, nimble teams that collaborate on common problems across
products and across focus areas.
-Exposure to a broader set of problems, which allows for fast career growth and proximity
to abundant technical problems.
-Build advanced automated test suites to exercise our world-class applications.
-Work with the development and test engineering teams to automate testing.
-Analyze and decompose a complicated software system and design a strategy to test this
Software Engineer :
Job Description :
-Responsible for designing and implementing development and test infrastructure.
-Focus is developing code rather than fixing or finding bugs.
-Accelerate product development by helping developers help themselves.
-Write programs in a variety of programming languages, such as C++ ,Java or PHP.
-Update and expand existing programs.
-Debug programs for testing and fixing errors.
Front – End Engineer :
Job Description :
-Makes a creation that interface between our service and customer.
-Be able to bring great front-end interface is very important.
PHP Engineer :
Job Description :
-PHP Engineer who always cares about clean code, works with framework, and is eager to
maintain good documentation.
iOS Engineer :
Job Description :
-Making mobile application using iOS.
Android Engineer :
Job Description :
-Making mobile application using Android.
-At least have three published Android applications. Have Android open source project is a value-added.
Odoo Developer :
Job Description :
-Experienced in Odoo Implementation.
-Min 2 years experienced in Odoo Development Project.
-Knowledgeble in Phyton/XML/HTML/CSS/Javascript Programming.
-Knowledgeble using Database Postgresql.
-Experienced in Linux OS.
-System Maintenance & Bugs Fixing.

2.Database Administrator
-Design, develop, deploy and maintain data warehouse and BI application.
-Work with internal business customer to sustain and develop BI application.
-Support new BI initiatives, conducting analysis, design, build / programming, test,training, documentation and change control processes.
-Fully comply with the rules and processes in the company.
-Minimum hold a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or IT.
-Minimum 1 year experience. Fresh Graduates with GPA > 3 are welcome to apply.
-Maximum age 33 years old.
-Proficient knowledge in PL/SQL/Programing SQL, SQL language.
-Having knowledge of HTML 5, CSS3, Javascript is a plus.
-Experience with BI Tools like Tableau, Qlikview is a significant plus.
-Highly energetic and self-motivated with strong data analysis skills.
-Having knowledge in popular RDBMS such as database Oracle, MSSQL, MYSQL and POSTGRES.
-Having knowledge in Linux

3.IT Quality Assurance
Job Description :
-Responsible and maintain for Quality of Application.
-Performs normal / complex / interrupt test.
-Communicate testing progress dealing with bugs / issues report and coordinate with development team to solve the case.
-Identity test requirements from specifications, map test case requirements and design test coverage plan.
Basic Qualification :
-Degree in any field.
-Knowledgable in IT System.
-Maximum age 30 years old
-Understanding of system development life cycle.
-Have strong analitycal skill and have good understanding of predictive in statistic.
-Have a good communication & interpersonal skill and team work.
-Able to create test scenario, test cases and test script from the given functional design document.
-Strong drive in initiating, executing and completing give work tasks.

4.IT Data Center Operation
Rincian Pekerjaan :
-Melakukan monitoring dan maintain 24/7 dari infrastruktur server
-Melakukan pengembangan sistem server baru berbasiskan Open Source terhadap kebutuhan strategis perusahaan
-Mengikuti perkembangan kemajuan Teknologi Informasi, terutama yang berkaitan dengan teknologi infrastruktur server
Requirement :
-Pendidikan Min. D1 IT ataupun Sistem Informasi
-Memahami software & hardware umum
-Memahami operating system windows
-Memahami operating system linux
-Memiliki kemampuan berpikir analitis, rasa ingin tahu yang besar dan rasa tanggung
-Bisa bekerja dalam tim maupun secara individu
-Bersedia bekerja shift
-Berdomisili di daerah Tangerang atau Tangerang Selatan
-Memahami bahasa inggris, minimal pasif
Requirement Khusus:
-Sangat paham instalasi & troubleshooting OS Windows platform
-Paham cara update driver OS Windows platform
-Sangat paham instalasi, penghapusan & troubleshooting proses intalasi software di OS Windows platform
-Paham instalasi & troubleshooting OS Linux platform Red Hat-based engine
-Paham berbagai tipe Distro Linux
-Paham cara instalasi di OS Linux menggunakan Red Hat Package Module, Yellow Dog Update Manager & manual compiling
-Paham struktur partition, folder & file di Linux, serta mengetahui perbedaannya dengan Windows platform
-Familiar dengan script tipe Borne Again Shell
-Mampu membaca basic script secara umum
-Paham Apache & MySQL
-Paham dengan Raspberry Pi akan jadi plus
-aham cara menemukan referensi error di internet dengan hanya menggunakan error code nya saja

5.Network Operation Center (NOC)
Job Description :
-Responsible for Network Operation (Wireless LAN, WAN and Data Center LAN)
-Securing Network Infrastructure
-Involved in Network project and IT Project (general)
Requirement :
-Max. 30 years Old
-Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology
-Minimum 2 years experience
-Have a good knowledge in OSI Layer and basic IP Address
-Having knowledge of Fortigate, Mikrotik and CCNA
-Able to work in shift


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