Adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang payment industry yang berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan. Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai :

1.IT Development Group
Position        :    IT Developer
Level            :    Staff, Assistant Manager
Department        :    IT Development
No. of Open Positions    :    11
Start Date        :    As soon as possible
Assignment Location    :    Jakarta
Assignment Type        :    Permanent  | Contract : … months
Description of Duties / Responsibilities    :
-Build and maintain application Desktop (host or middleware) or eftpos terminal (front-end, agnostic / multi brand)
-Work on applications which will be used by many people across the nation
-Adhere to coding conventions
-Work side by side with other team to deliver apps of highest quality
Requirement :
-Man / Women    :Any
-Age (range)    :22 – 35
-Education    :D3 above
-Years of Experiences    :1 – 2
Necessary Training / Qualification    :
-At least 1 year of working experience in the related field, Fresh graduates with programming skill are welcome to apply
-Have experience using any OOP programming language.
-Have experience using Linux and/or C/C++ is a plus
-Have knowledge in database SQL (Structure Query Language)
-Strong logic and analysis
-Able to work independently and team
-Able to work in fast paced environment
-Able to adapt to new programming language and/or programming environment
-Experience in Payment industry, Internet Payment Gateway (IPG), and Electronic Data Capture (EDC) is a plus

How to Apply:
Bagi anda yang berminat dan sesuai dengan persyaratan, silahkan kirimkan resume anda ke email:

dengan subjek [Yokke – IT Development]