PT. PCISoft Indonesia
In Year 2001 PCISoft began as a small IT Company and Collaboration with PT. Sola Gratia More than just a motto PCISoft staffs know that business running with the basic Spirit to be done. “that grace we have from God we can form of state in the business world we live”. Due to the several project implementations successfully PCISoft grew up, and in the 2004 become IT and Telecommunication company with the name CV. Prakoso Cipta Informasi . Along with the passage of time and technological developments with a variety of software development from Prakoso Cipta Informasi and the consideration for the advancement of Prakoso, then in the year 2010 it was decided to establish PT. Prakoso Information Technologi (PIT), which oversees the entire business of the Prakoso Group. In year 2013, PT. Bisnis Intelegen Solusi (BIS) founded to help customer especially in insurance business to provide smart solutions that improve efficiency and productivity to the customers
1.Marketing and Development Business.
Kualifikasi :
-Wanita lulusan akademi Sekretari
-Dapat mengoprasikan computer (Ms Words, Excel, Power Point)
-Dapat berbicara dan mengerti bahasa Inggris, apabila dapat berbicara dan mengerti bahasa asing lainnya (akan lebih baik)
-Dapat bekerja dalam team
-Cakap dalam berkomunikasi dan terbiasa melakukan presentasi di hadapan orang lain
-Berpenampilan menarik, sehat jasmani dan rohani
-Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
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