Is a company that focuses on improving life qualities through developments of health food and personal care products. We are looking for people who have a willingness to work with
Bulan: Mei 2017
PT.Bosnet Distribution Indonesia (BDI)PT.Bosnet Distribution Indonesia (BDI)
Is the FMCG Distribution Solution Provider. We provide a distribution management system that is specifically designed to handle end-to-end execution of fast moving consumer goods distribution companies. BDI team is
PT.Code Development IndonesiaPT.Code Development Indonesia
Membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai berikut : 1.PHP ANALYST PROGRAMMER (CODE: APPHP) CODE DEVELOPMENT INDONESIA, PT DKI Jakarta Requirements: -Minimum 3 yrs experience in software development -Have passion in software development
PT. IT Group IndonesiaPT. IT Group Indonesia
1.Software Developer Job Descriptions: -Identify and document customers’ requirements, analyse and resolve with strategic solutions -Installations, development, implementation, training, testing and support -Provide application / technical assistance during the implementation
PT. Mitra Integrasi InformatikaPT. Mitra Integrasi Informatika
Was Founded on March 1, 1996 as a subsidiary of the publicly listed PT. Metrodata Electronics, Tbk. Widely recognized for its consistent dedication to both Enterprise and Corporate segments, MII’s
PT. Modern Polaris TeknologiPT. Modern Polaris Teknologi
merupakan perusahaan teknologi informasi yang memfokuskan pada pengembangan aplikasi di Industri keuangan, baik itu Bank maupun Koperasi. Salah satu produk adalah Aplikasi Core Banking, yang telah digunakan lebih dari 30