PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)
adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pertambangan dan pemasaran batubara untuk pelanggan industri baik pasar ekspor maupun domestik. Dari kantor pusat kami di Sangatta, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Propinsi Kalimatan Timur dan kantor perwakilan di Jakarta, Samarinda, dan Balikpapan, KPC mengelola area konsesi pertambangan dengan luas mencapai 90.938 hektar. Dengan didukung oleh lebih dari 5.200 orang karyawan dan 21.500 personel dari kontraktor dan perusahaan terkait, KPC mampu mencapai kapasitas produck batubara lebih dari 50 juta ton per tahun. Untuk mendukung operasinya berkembang, sejumlah proyek infrastruktur utama untuk dikembangkan dan peluang yang ada untuk kaliber tinggi profesional untuk bergabung dengan Perusahaan untuk posisi
1.Engineer – Environmental
Requirements :
-Graduate from Environmental Engineering.
-Strong understanding of government regulations on environmental managements.
-Adequate experience in Environmental Monitoring and Management in the field related to
-AMDAL. Minimum 1 years of experience in Environmental Management, previous experience in
-mining industry will be highly prioritized.
-Ability to handle multiple tasks at one time as well as to make quick decision when required as
-indicated by the operational constraints and to communicate with the higher authorities within the company structure.
-Demonstrated good interpersonal and communication skills (oral and written) both in English and Bahasa.
-Competent with Microsoft Office application.
2.Supervisor – Project (Electrical)
-Graduate from Electrical Engineering.
-Demonstrated good Electrical design analysis skills.
-Able to check design results in at least in two different ways is a must.
-Minimum 1 years of experience in the related field.
-Able to write clear, concise, relevant reports – usually with detailed recommendations. 6.Ideally these reports should be in English language.
-Possess excellent communication skills, both verbal and written (Bahasa and English) to 8.liaise with KPC personnel.
-Able to make effective use of Electrical Software.
-Strong good knowledge of KPC’s HSE policies (or equivalent), procedures and standards.
Please send your application letter complete with latest CV, a recent photograph indicating your salary expectations to :
Superintendent Recruitment PT Kaltim Prima Coal
via email: CC
*Closing date 15Mei2017 *Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection proces