PT.Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE)
PT.Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE)
Talent Acquisition Departemen membuka kesempatan bagi para Alumni dari Universitas/Instansi yang terkait dengan program kerjasama Talent Recruitment dengan PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) ini untuk mengikuti Fit dan Profer Test posisi tersebut.Selanjutnya bagi para Alumni mahasiswa/i Universitas/Instansi Bapak/Ibu yang berminat untuk mengikuti seleksi ini, berikut Informasi detail terkait dengan kualifikasi atas posisi tersebut :
Area :Jakarta Raya
Dibuka :18 Juli 2014
Ditutup :1 Agustus 2014
Responsibilities :
Main Duties :
·Implementation of competency -based assessment for selection purposes for employees both at headquarters and branch
·Providing a summary of the results of assessments as inputs in the preparation of the recruitment process both at headquarters and branch
Details of Main Duties :
·Implementation of competency -based assessment for selection purposes for employees both at headquarters and branch
.Provide recommendations and stages of assessment tools to the Chief of the Department , based on the competencies required in each position
.Implement selection needs assessment based on the schedule that has been ditetukan , both at Head Office and Branch Offices
·Providing a summary of the assessment results as input in the recruitment process / ti both at headquarters and branch
.Making a summary of the results of the assessment for each assessment conducted
.Provide recommendations on the hiring process based on assessment results Unmatched
Requirements :
·Minimum Education S1 in Psychology
·Assessment experience in at least 2 (two) years
·Understand the methods and tools required assessment
·Especially those who have national certification as an assessor and or psychology
·Having characters / properties: Honestly, Visionary, Responsibility and Discipline
·Willing to travel / office out of town
·Strong communication and build a good network
·Have a spirit of cooperation and social skills
Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to : &